Date: Fri 10/10/03 2:50PM
From: Elouise, Luke, Belle, & Jack
Message: I don't know just how many times I have sat down to try to put down a few words to send to Tyler's family. Each time I do, I find myself deleting everything in frustration, knowing that nothing, not a single word, will make the slightest dent in helping or changing anything. But even knowing that, I, and obviously so many before me, still feel compelled to try to offer something.
Steve, Lisa, and Erin; a whole lot has changed between the first time we met you and this most recent visit. No-one knows what happens behind your closed doors, and what thoughts must go through your minds every day, but there is a strength in all of you that we hope you will cling tight to. That huge Life Energy Tyler had, it's not gone, he left it there with the 3 of you. Your whole house is full of it. You, who loved him most dearly, obviously pay the highest price in losing him every day. Whereas we, your extended friends, aquantances, sympathising strangers; we can all sit back and mourn for your loss, and have our hearts ache for you, and try to imagine "what if".
But it's you who have to survive this every day, and despite it all you still find something in you to share with those around you. I guess that's all I really am meaning to say; that your natures, the way you are with people, the things you do and especially the way you share your son and his legacy; those things do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. You have left your mark on many, many people, and while it may not be for the reasons you would ever have imagined or wished for, it is a profound mark nonetheless.
We just wanted to say 'thanks', and we're so sorry that Tyler had to go...
Elouise and Luke (and of course, Belle and Jack)